by Lance Rasmussen | Aug 22, 2023 | Site
Aug 2023 – CDE Software is proud to announce the general release of BLS-2024. Our latest Bowling League Secretary software is designed for the Fall 2023 through Summer 2024 bowling season. BLS-2024 offers three editions: BLS-2024 Standard BLS-2024 Professional...
by Lance Rasmussen | Jun 22, 2015 | Site
The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm is an algorithm invented by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT. One of the features is taking a sequence of bytes in a disk file and produce a “digital signature”, or what can be sometimes called a “digest” or...
by Lance Rasmussen | Jun 22, 2015 | Site
If the software program is going to be installed on a different computer, follow the steps below: Locate the program to be downloaded from the Downloads page. Click the DOWNLOAD button to begin downloading the software. If your browser provides a prompt to SAVE or RUN...
by Lance Rasmussen | Jun 22, 2015 | Site
If the software program is going to be installed on this computer, follow the steps below: Locate the program to be downloaded from the Downloads page. Click the DOWNLOAD button to begin downloading the software. If your browser provides a prompt to SAVE or RUN the...