How to Download Software
Instructions on how to download software

How to download and install a program
This page will give some basic instructions on how to download software. Some items may differ depending on the web browser software used to view websites on the Internet. For best experience, we recommend Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge. Microsoft discontinued Internet Explorer and has not updated the browser in years to leverage the improvements that websites use to design web pages.
Common Instructions
- After finding the program in the downloads page, click the DOWNLOAD button to begin downloading the software.
- If your web browser provides a prompt to SAVE or RUN the installer, select SAVE. The difference is that Save keeps the download on your PC and allows you to reinstall the program later without having to download it again. The Run option downloads the file but does not save the installer for reuse later. Some browsers, such as Firefox, may automatically begin saving the installer and not prompt to Save or Run.
- If your web browser provides a prompt to choose the location to save the installer, please either select DESKTOP or DOWNLOADS folder for the location and then click the SAVE button. It is important to remember the location and the file name of the file you transferred, as you will need to access this after the transfer has finished. Some browsers, such as Firefox, may automatically begin saving the installer in a designated location, so you may refer to the web browser help file on how to access or locate that location.
- The browser will begin transferring the software installer from our servers to your computer. The amount of time it takes to transfer the installer will vary depending on your Internet connection speed. Wait until the download progress has completed.
- Once the transfer has completed, locate the installer downloaded.
Here is where you find your download file after the file has completed downloading:
Google Chrome
in the status bar
Edge / Internet Explorer
At the window bottom.
Internet Explorer not recommended.
in the toolbar area
Installing on this computer?
If the software program is going to be installed on this computer, follow the common instructions and then steps below:
- Locate and double-click on the downloaded installer to begin the installation process and follow the prompts.
- The installer can be saved onto removable media, such as a CD-ROM or memory stick in case the software needs to be reinstalled at a later date.
Installing on a different computer?
If the software program is going to be installed on a different computer, follow common instructions and then the steps below:
- Locate the downloaded installer and copy the installer on a USB flash drive.
- Take the drive to the computer that the program will be installed on.
- Locate the installer on the flash drive and double-click to install.
How to verify downloaded files
The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm is an algorithm invented by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT. One of the features is taking a sequence of bytes in a disk file and produce a “digital signature”, or what can be sometimes called a “digest” or “hash”. This algorithm is designed so that the probability of any two files having the same digital signature is practically zero, so if a file is changed even by one byte then the digital signature will also change.
In 2007, CDE Software began implementing MD5 digital signature with files uploaded to our website. This signature is taken as soon as an installer is created by our build machines. During the upload process, the signature will be provided in the on our product download details page.
What does that mean for you?
This helps provide an extra layer of security to help assure that the files on our website came from CDE Software’s build machines and has not been touched or modified by any person or process.
There are times that a download from our website to your computer may fail due to lost connections by your ISP. If the signature does not match, then this is a good indicator that there was a problem with your download and you should download the program again.
How do I verify the MD5 digital signature?
There are several DOS and Windows based utilities that can be used to verify the MD5 file signature of the installer. Read our online support knowledgebase article for details.
Digitally Signed Applications and DLL’s
CDE Software continues to use digital certificates to digitally sign the applications, DLL’s and installers as it has done for several years. This digital signature provides the highest level of assurance in terms of verification that the files are coming directly from CDE Software by a machine that has been authenticated by one of the most recognized certifying agencies.
Installers, applications and DLL’s are digitally “shrink-wrapped” for code and content to protect our end users when software is downloaded from the Internet. The digital signatures authenticate the source as well as the integrity of content.
To verify that the installer or application from CDE is digitally signed, right-click on file and select Properties. Select the tab labeled Digital Signature. CDE Software should be listed as one of the certificates attached to that file. If the tab is missing or CDE is not listed, then the application has not been digitally signed.