Sanctioned Organizations
The following organizations are supported in our products.

USBC (United States Bowling Congress) is the national governing body of bowling as recognized by the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) for the United States. They are a membership organization that provides standardized rules, regulations and benefits to make bowling fair and fun for everyone.

The Canadian Tenpin Federation is the governing body of the sport in Canada.
La Fédération Canadienne des Dix Quilles est l’organisme directeur du sport au Canada .

TNBA’s constitution purpose has always been to foster and promote the game of Ten Pins amongst both men and women. Membership is open to all bowlers, without regard to race, creed or color. Although approximately 80% of our present membership is Black, TNBA has no racial restrictions whatsoever as to membership or participation. TNBA proudly stands behind its motto as a “Promoter of Sportsmanship, Fellowship and Friendship”